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Much like a daycare for kids, our play areas have structures for climbing and exploring, and lots of toys to keep our furry friends entertained.

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Why choose daycare?

What really makes our daycare so unique is our amazing staff…not only are we pet lovers, but our staff has advanced pet care training in Canine Body Language, Pet First Aid and CPR certification, all to ensure the health, happiness and safety of each guest.

On hot days, dogs really love wading and splashing around in the pooch pool.


Our daycare guests can arrive between 7:30AM - 10:00AM Monday- Friday and will enjoy romping and playing with his/her friends throughout the day with rest times in between, and then after a fun day of play, you can pick him/her up any time before 6:00PM.

After hours drop off and pick-up can be arranged by appointment only.

First-time Guests

Our new Daycare friends need to arrive between 7:30am - 10:00am and pick up is between 2pm - 6pm. When it’s time to go home we will provide you with a welcome packet and an evaluation from our staff. First day of daycare can not be done on 1st day of boarding stay.

Required Vaccinations

The required vaccines for dogs:

  • Bordetella

  • Rabies

  • D/H/L/P (Distemper Parvo-Lepto)

  • Canine Influenza

The required vaccines for cats:

  • F/V/R/C/P

  • Rabies

Due to the health and safety of our guests, all pets staying with us MUST be up to date and will NOT be permitted to stay otherwise.

Daycare drop off:
7:30-10am Monday-Friday

***Daycare is by appointment only! Please call to book an appointment!

NOTE: New customers are required to do a 1st day of daycare evaluation prior to a boarding stay.

We do not accept un-neutered males over 6 months, dog-aggressive dogs, and females that are in heat.

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Dogs (all sizes)

  • First Day of Daycare: $70 (includes evualution)
  • Daycare: $55/day
  • 5 Day Package $265 ($53/day)
  • 10 Day Package $500 ($50/day)
  • 20 Day Package $940 ($47/day)
Packages DO NOT have to be used consecutively.


  • Daycare: $25/day

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Call to make a reservation!
We can’t wait to see you!
